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Create a Timeline for Your Next Move with Our Moving Planning Guide

2023 December 19
Written by Go Mini's

Is 2024 your year for making big moves? Moving can be a daunting task, but with a well-organized moving timeline, you can turn it into a smooth and stress-free experience! In this moving planning guide, we’ll help you organize your move every step of the way. Let’s figure out the best plan to get you from point A to point B without losing your way.

Having a moving timeline helps you stay on track and ensures that everything is done on time. There are big benefits to staying on schedule during your move. First, it allows you to plan and allocate enough time for each task. This means you won't have to rush through packing or scrambling to find last-minute solutions. Instead, you can tackle each step methodically and efficiently.

Secondly, having a moving timeline helps prevent unnecessary delays. By knowing exactly when to start packing different areas of your home or when to book professional movers or portable units like Go Mini’s, you eliminate the risk of running out of time or encountering unexpected obstacles.

Weeks or Months Before the Move 

1. Research and Plan 

In this first section of our moving planning guide, we're going to dive into the importance of researching moving companies and creating a comprehensive moving plan. 
Let's start with research. When it comes to choosing a moving company, you want to make sure to make sure you're entrusting your precious belongings to professionals who will handle them with care. You also want to make sure you’re choosing the right type of company for your move. We’ll discuss this a little later. 

Now onto creating a comprehensive moving plan. This step may seem tedious, but trust me, it will save you so much time and headache in the long run. Start by making a checklist of all the tasks that need to be done before the big day arrives. From packing up your belongings to notifying utility companies of your change in address - every detail matters!

2. Declutter and Donate 

It’s time to tackle another important aspect of moving preparation - decluttering and donating. We all know how easy it is for belongings to pile up over time, so before you start packing everything into boxes, take some time to declutter.

Not only will decluttering help lighten your load (literally!), but it also allows you to donate items that are still in good condition but no longer serve a purpose for you. It's not only beneficial for your move but also for others who could benefit from those items.

One Month Before the Move 

3. Create a Moving Budget 

Your move is getting a bit closer and you’ve researched the big-ticket items. Now it’s time to create a moving budget. Make sure you include everything from the moving company down to what you’ll need to pay for boxes or totes and bubble wrap. 

If you’re looking for budget-friendly moving Go Mini’s may be the perfect fit. With Go Mini’s you’re not paying for a fleet of movers and a big truck on a tight schedule. You’re paying for a portable container that will be delivered right to your home and that you can pack up on your own schedule. 

Once you have your budget prepared do your best to track your spending to make sure you’re keeping to it. 

4. Hire Professional Movers or Rent a Portable Storage Container 

Now you’re ready to start booking the biggest part of moving - the moving company! As mentioned above there are different types of moving companies and I'm here to guide you through the pros and cons of each option. 

When it comes to hiring professional movers, convenience takes center stage. With their expertise and equipment, they can efficiently handle all aspects of your move, from packing and loading to transportation and unloading.

Another advantage of hiring movers is their experience in navigating tricky logistics. They know how to maneuver large furniture through narrow hallways or staircases without causing damage. 

On the other hand, portable storage containers offer flexibility like no other. These sturdy containers are delivered right to your doorstep for easy loading at your own pace. You have full control over how and when you pack your belongings – no more rushing against tight deadlines!

Portable storage containers are also ideal for those who require temporary storage solutions during home renovations or while transitioning between properties. You can keep the container on-site or have it stored at a secure facility until you're ready for its contents.

However, it's essential to consider some potential drawbacks as well. Hiring movers can be costly, especially if you're moving long distances or have numerous heavy items that require special handling. Additionally, scheduling conflicts may arise if there are limited available dates or if you need immediate assistance.

Similarly, while portable storage containers provide convenience in terms of packing at your own pace, they may not be suitable for everyone due to space constraints or homeowners association regulations regarding placement on your property.

So choosing between hiring professional movers and opting for a portable storage container depends on various factors such as your budget, timeline, and specific moving or storage needs. 

Remember, whether you decide to entrust the task to experienced movers or embrace the flexibility of portable storage containers, both options offer solutions that can simplify your moving process. 

Two Weeks Before the Move 

5. Start Packing Non-Essential Items 

First things first - start by packing non-essential items. Non-essential items are things you don't use on a daily basis - decorations, extra kitchen gadgets, out-of-season clothing - you get the idea. By tackling these items first, you'll not only declutter your current space but also ease yourself into the packing process.

Starting with non-essential items allows you to get a head start without disrupting your day-to-day routine. Plus, it gives you a sense of accomplishment as you see those boxes piling up and your home getting more organized by the minute!

If you can’t stand the idea of your home being slowly filled with boxes then a portable storage container may be the right thing for you. The container can be dropped off in your driveway whenever you’re ready for it and you can keep it as long as you need. That means that as you’re starting to pack those non-essential items they can go right into the unit. 

6. Notify Important Parties 

Next, let's talk about another important step in the moving process: notifying important parties about your change of address. Trust me; this is something you don't want to forget! Imagine missing out on important mail or subscriptions just because you didn't update your address.

So, here's a friendly reminder: make a list of all the parties that need to know about your new address. This includes the post office for mail forwarding services, banks and credit card companies for financial matters, subscriptions for magazines or online services - anyone who sends you regular correspondence.

By taking the time to notify these parties ahead of time, you'll avoid any potential hassles and ensure that all your mail reaches its intended destination without delay.

One Week Before the Move

7. Pack Essentials and Prepare an Essentials Box 

It’s almost time to move but you need to prepare something that is going to make your move so much easier - the essentials box! This magical box will be your lifeline during the chaotic moving week.

So, what should you pack in this magical box? Think about the items you use daily - toiletries, medications, a change of clothes, chargers for your electronic devices, important documents like passports or IDs, and even some snacks to keep your energy levels up.

Pro tip: Label this box as "Essentials" so it stands out from all the other boxes. And don't forget to keep it close by during transportation - either in your car if possible or clearly marked so it doesn't get lost among the sea of cardboard.

Moving Day 

8. Final Walkthrough and Checklist 

Moving Day is finally here! Before leaving your old place, it's important to go through a thorough inspection to make sure everything is in order. Here are some items you should include in your checklist:

  1. Check all rooms: Go through each room and make sure you haven't left anything behind. Open all cabinets, closets, and drawers to double-check for any missed items.
  2. Inspect walls and floors: Look for any damages or marks on the walls and floors that need repair before leaving.
  3. Test appliances: Ensure all appliances are functioning correctly before unplugging them. This way, you can avoid any surprises when setting up at your new place.
  4. Turn off utilities: Don't forget to switch off all utilities like water, electricity, gas, and heating/cooling systems before leaving the house.
  5. Lock windows and doors: Securely lock all windows and doors as part of ensuring the safety of your old place.


Whether you're weeks, months, or days away from the big move, I hope we’ve provided valuable insights for your next big adventure. As you lock the doors of your old place, you can move forward with confidence, knowing that you've navigated the challenges of relocation with careful planning and preparation. 

Don't let the prospect of a move overwhelm you—reach out to Go Mini's today to discuss your moving requirements and explore how our experienced team can turn your transition into a seamless and stress-free experience. Check out our service area and get a quote, and let's make your move in 2024 a success! Here's to a successful and smooth transition to the next chapter of your life in 2024!

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